Happy Birthday, Betsy Ross!
Philadelphia's New Year's baby in 1752, the girl had more than a dozen siblings. Betsy Ross survived three less-than-sturdy spouses and maintained her own pleasant little home on Arch Street in Philadelphia. When George Washington and two other American patriot guys sneaked into her back parlor, she probably could have knocked them all out without breaking a sweat. Fortunately, one of the men was a relative, so they got a reprieve and asked Betsy to make a flag for their group of rebels, -aka- American patriots.
George wanted stars on the flag, but Betsy found his six-sided star idea just a little pedestrian. Five-pointed stars would make the design pop and give clout to the visual impression. No, no, the men argued. That's too hard. Solid in her resolve, Ross grabbed a piece of paper and folded it several times. She pulled out a pair of scissors, deftly snipped the folded paper, then unfolded it to reveal a perfectly shaped 5-point star.
What a bold move. A single strong lady who knew what would be the best element for a flag design and with quiet determination made it happen in spite of men who insisted they knew better. Mrs. Ross applied the 13 5-pointed stars representing the new world's colonies onto a deep blue background, a symbol of integrity and wide open spaces. In a stroke of colorful, graphic genius, she positioned the star-emblazoned in the upper-left corner of a rectangle made with red and white stripes. The flag's proportions are the epitome of graphic design elegance.
Birthday Gift for Betsy Ross?
If she wasn't a dead celebrity, the top choice birthday present for Betsy Ross would have to be a Paraffin Bath to soak her talented, aching hands. Although electricity wasn't available in her house (it was the 18th century, after all), it wouldn't be long until her neighbor a few blocks over -- Benjamin Franklin -- got the ball rolling on that problem.
Ms. Ross, of course, would enjoy the TherabathPRO Professional Grade Paraffin Bath
because it's just right for dipping sore elbows and tired, cold feet, as well. The heated wax coats the skin, sending therapeutic warmth directly to swollen joints and stiff muscles. If anyone deserved the relief and comfort of a paraffin bath, it would be the famous graphic designer and seamstress, Betsy Ross.
Ms. Ross, of course, would enjoy the TherabathPRO Professional Grade Paraffin Bath
Find out more about this birthday girl, Betsy Ross, in person by visiting her home in Philadelphia. It's a delightful way to celebrate one of the Founding Mothers of this country and get an upbeat history lesson at the same time.
Tickets and directions: Betsy Ross House Tour
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